Decades post the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, wild boar meat consistently displayed alarming levels of radioactivity. The enigma endured: an overlooked factor had long eluded scientists....
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to attend the ENVIRA 2019, the International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity organized by Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Czech Technical University in Prague, in cooperation with Comenius University in Bratislava, European Academy of Sciences and Art, International Union of Radioecology and Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. The conference will be held between 8 – 13 September 2019. ENVIRA 2019 will focus on “Variations of environmental radionuclides”.
The Ro5 Meeting will take place in Prague on 8 September 2019, Sunday, just before the beginning of the conference. The colleagues from NRPI/SURO will host the meeting at their institute. For more information, please contact Dr. Olivier Masson (
Looking forward to meeting you in Prague.
On behalf of the Organizing committee
Ivo Svetlik
Mojmir Nemec

RAMSES Workshop: AMS and Applications held within ENVIRA 2019 conference is supported by the project Nr. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000728: “RAMSES – Ultra-trace isotope research in social and environmental studies using accelerator mass spectrometry“. RAMSES project is funded by MEYS and European Union – European Structural and Investment Funds, Operational Programme Reseach, Development and Education.